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Campus: MSVU
Term: SS1 25
Select Courses
BIOL 1153 .18 - Introductory Biology II (BIOL)
BIOL 2217 .18 - Brain & Behaviour (BIOL)
BIOL 2240 .02 - Cell And Molecular Body (BIOL)
BIOL 2260 .18 - Fundamentals Of Neuroscience (BIOL)
BUSI 1112 .01/MA - Introduction To Business Administration (BUSI)
BUSI 2011 .16/.18 - Intro To Entrepreneurship (BUSI)
BUSI 2060 .16/.18 - Personal Finance (BUSI)
BUSI 2202 ALL SECTIONS - Comm & Self-Management Skills (BUSI)
BUSI 2214 .16/.18 - Org Behaviour:Individual In Org (BUSI)
BUSI 2215 ALL SECTIONS - Org Behave: Grps, Struc & Cul (BUSI)
BUSI 2230 .16/.18 - Principles Of Marketing (BUSI)
BUSI 2231 ALL SECTIONS - Marketing Management & Ethics (BUSI)
BUSI 2259 .01 - Legal Aspects Of Business (BUSI)
BUSI 2307 .16/.18 - Mi'kmaw/Indigenous Tourism (BUSI)
BUSI 2321 ALL SECTIONS - Introduction To Accounting I (BUSI)
BUSI 2601 .01/.16 - Intro To The Nonprofit Sector (BUSI)
BUSI 3308 .16/.18 - Operations Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3311 .20 - Small Business Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3312 .16/.18 - International Business Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3313 .16/.18 - Human Resource Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3316 .16/.18 - Organizational Topics (BUSI)
BUSI 3320 .16/.18 - Managerial Accounting (BUSI)
BUSI 3332 .16/.18 - Retailing Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3339 .01 - Integrated Marketing Communications (BUSI)
BUSI 4400 .16/.18 - Business Policy (BUSI)
BUSI 4415 .16/.18 - Management Information Systems (BUSI)
BUSI 4417 .16/.18 - Recruitment & Selection (BUSI)
BUSI 4424 .16/.18 - Advanced Accounting II (BUSI)
BUSI 4426 .16/.18 - Adv Cost Accounting (BUSI)
BUSI 4430 .16/.18 - Research For Busi & Thmt (BUSI)
CHEM 1011 .01 - General Chemisrty 1 (CHEM)
CHEM 2401 .01 - Organic Chemistry I (CHEM)
CHYS 1110 .18 - Intro To Child And Youth Study (CHYS)
CHYS 1120 .18 - Essentials Of C&Y Care Practice (CHYS)
CHYS 2601 .18 - Cultural Respon Pedogogy (CHYS)
CHYS 3311 .18 - Research Methods In Chys (CHYS)
CHYS 3314 .18 - Play & Development:Infancy (CHYS)
CHYS 3333 .01 - Alternative Education Contexts (CHYS)
CHYS 3601 .18 - Curriculum Approaches (CHYS)
COMM 1015 .16/.18 - Intro To Communication Tech (COMM)
COMM 2025 .16/.18 - Introduction To Social Media (COMM)
COMM 2211 .16/.18 - Intro To Public Speaking (COMM)
CULS 2202 .01 - Music And Culture (CULS)
CULS 3306 .18 - Rap & Resistance (CULS)
CULS 3310 .18 - Special Topics: Cult Film (CULS)
ECON 1101 .01/.18 - Introduction To Microeconomics (ECON)
ECON 2311 .18 - International Trade (ECON)
EDUC 2462 .18 - Fundamental Concepts Of Math 1 (EDUC)
EDUC 3452 .18 - Intro To Educ Pysc:Elementary (EDUC)
EDUC 5212 .01 - Indigenous Knowledge And Curr (EDUC)
EDUC 5509 .01 - St In Elem:Teaching Math (EDUC)
ENGL 1170 .18 - Intro To Lit:Lit Genres (ENGL)
ENGL 2221 .18 - Intro To Creative Writing (ENGL)
ENGL 2270 .18 - Classical Traditions (ENGL)
FREN 1101 .18 - Basic Practical French I (FREN)
FREN 1102 .20 - Basic Practical French II (FREN)
FREN 2201 .20 - Practical French I (FREN)
FREN 2202 .20 - Practical Frech II (FREN)
FSGN 1100 .20 - Intro To Family Studies (FSGN)
FSGN 1101 .01/.20 - Introduction To Gerontology (FSGN)
FSGN 2212 .18 - Perspect On Parent-Child Rels (FSGN)
FSGN 3307 .18 - Perspectives On Death & Dying (FSGN)
FSGN 3551 .01 - Aging (FSGN)
FSGN 4481 .18 - St:Fsgn Bridging Course (FSGN)
GCRD 6326 .18 - Learning Diff In School Math (GCRD)
GCRD 6345 .01 - Indigenous & Decol Studies (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .052 - Seminar & Project (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .053 - Seminar & Project (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .054 - Curriculum Theories (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .055 - Curriculum Theories (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .056 - Curriculum Theories (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .073 - Gp Seminar In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .074 - Gp Seminar In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .075 - Gp Seminar In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .076 - Research Lit In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .077 - Research Lit In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .078 - Research Lit In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .079 - Research Lit In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .080 - Sldn Seminar & Project (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .081 - Curriculum Theories (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .090 - Gp Seminar In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .091 - Gp Seminar In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .092 - Research Lit In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .18 - Black Education Studies (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .281 - Research Lit In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .01 - Visual Literacy (GCRD)
GEDU 6140 .160 - Graduate Project Seminar (GEDU)
GEMS 6426 .18 - Learning Diff In School Math (GEMS)
GEMS 6481 .18 - Social Studies:Elem/Mid School I (GEMS)
GFDD 6545 .01 - Indigenous & Decol Studies (GFDD)
GFDD 6556 .18 - St:Black Education Studies (GFDD)
GLIT 6728 .173 - Literacy Learning II (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .062 - St:Learning Through Story (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .063 - St:Creating Crit Classrooms (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .064 - St:Creating Crit Classrooms (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .065 - St:Literacy & Assessment (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .100 - St:Res Lit:Focus On Sci Of (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .161 - St:Literacy & Inquiry I (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .165 - St:Literacy & Assessment (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .168 - St:Literacy & Inquiry I (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .172 - St:Support Learners With Asd (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .01 - St:Visual Literacy (GLIT)
GPRL 6202 .18 - Gender & Communication (GPRL)
GPRL 6307 .18 - Crisi Communication (GPRL)
GSLL 6202 .01 - Contemporary Perspect In Ll (GSLL)
GTSL 6361 .01 - Linguistics (GTSL)
GTSL 6365 .01 - Language Curriculum & Instruct (GTSL)
GTSL 6370 .01 - Newcomers And Settlement (GTSL)
HIST 2200 .18 - History Of Greece (HIST)
MATH 0027 .18 - Stats And Math Preparation (MATH)
MATH 1102 .18 - Precalculus I (MATH)
MATH 2208 ALL SECTIONS - Intro To Statistics I (MATH)
MATH 2209 ALL I - Intro To Statistics II (MATH)
MATH 2462 .18 - Fundamental Concepts Of Math 1 (MATH)
NUTR 4460 .18 - Food & Nutrition In Canada (NUTR)
NUTR 4500 .03 - Food & Nutrition Practicum (NUTR)
NUTR 4501 .01 - Administrative Intership (NUTR)
NUTR 4502 .01 - Clinical Internship (NUTR)
NUTR 4503 .01 - Community Intership (NUTR)
PBRL 2211 .16/.18 - Intro To Public Speaking (PBRL)
PBRL 4015 .18 - Media Relations (PBRL)
PHYS 1120 .18 - Intro Astronomy I:Sky & Planet (PHYS)
POLS 2224 .01 - War, Peace And Technology (POLS)
PSYC 1110 .18 - Intro:Psychology As A Science (PSYC)
PSYC 1120 .18 - Intro: Psych As A Social Science (PSYC)
PSYC 2205 .18 - Abnormal Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 2206 .18 - Drugs And Behaviour (PSYC)
PSYC 2213 .18 - Emotion And Motivation (PSYC)
PSYC 2217 .18 - Brain And Behaviour (PSYC)
PSYC 2221 .18 - Developmental Psychology I (PSYC)
PSYC 2260 .18 - Fundamentals Of Neuroscience (PSYC)
PSYC 3307 .18/.19 - Roots Of Modern Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 3317 .18 - Moral Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 3330 .18 - Comparative Cognition (PSYC)
PSYC 3370 .18 - Psychological Tests & Measures (PSYC)
RELS 3307 .18 - Perspectives On Death & Dying (RELS)
SOAN 1502 .18 - Questioning Society (SOAN)
SOAN 2531 .01 - Making A Living (SOAN)
SOAN 3551 .01 - Aging (SOAN)
SPAN 1101 .18 - Spanish Language & Culture I (SPAN)
SPAN 1102 .20 - Spanish Language & Culture II (SPAN)
THMT 1101 .16/.18 - Intro To Tourism & Hospitality (THMT)
THMT 2202 ALL SECTIONS - Communication & Self Management Skills (THMT)
THMT 2205 .16/.18 - Human Geography For Tourism (THMT)
THMT 2307 .16/.18 - Mi'kmaw/Indigenous Tourism (THMT)
THMT 3311 .20 - Small Business Management (THMT)
THMT 4430 .16/.18 - Research For Busi & Thmt (THMT)
WOMS 1110 .18 - Focus On Women I (WOMS)
WRIT 1120 .18 - The Writing Process (WRIT)
WRIT 2221 .18 - Intro To Creative Writing (WRIT)