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Campus: MSVU
Term: SS2 25
Select Courses
BIOL 3332 .18 - Human Neuropsychology (BIOL)
BUSI 1112 JL - Introduction To Business Administration (BUSI)
BUSI 2202 .02 - Comm & Self-Management Skills (BUSI)
BUSI 2214 .01 - Org Behaviour:Individual In Org (BUSI)
BUSI 2215 .15/.19 - Org Behave: Grps, Struc & Cul (BUSI)
BUSI 2231 .15/.19 - Marketing Management & Ethics (BUSI)
BUSI 2250 .01 - Business Ethics (BUSI)
BUSI 2259 .16/.18 - Legal Aspects Of Business (BUSI)
BUSI 2322 ALL SECTIONS - Introduction To Accounting II (BUSI)
BUSI 2430 .16/.18 - Media For Tourism (BUSI)
BUSI 3308 .15/.19 - Operations Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3311 .21 - Small Business Management (BUSI)
BUSI 3314 .01/.16/.18 - Labor Relations (BUSI)
BUSI 3330 .16/.18 - Digital Marketing Analysis (BUSI)
BUSI 3331 .16/.18 - Consumer Behaviour (BUSI)
BUSI 3334 .16/.18 - Personal Selling & Sales Mgmt (BUSI)
BUSI 3338 .16/.18 - Not-For-Profit Marketing (BUSI)
BUSI 4400 .15/.19 - Business Policy (BUSI)
BUSI 4412 .16/.18 - Values In A Business Society (BUSI)
BUSI 4425 .16/.18 - Cost Accounting (BUSI)
BUSI 4434 .16/.18 - Marketing Strategy & Mgmt (BUSI)
CHEM 1005 .18 - Chemical Concepts (CHEM)
CHEM 1012 .01 - General Chemistry II (CHEM)
CHEM 2401 .01 - Organic Chemistry I (CHEM)
CHYS 3315 .18 - Play & Dev:Middle Childhood (CHYS)
CHYS 3603 .18 - Ece:Nature & Outdoor Play (CHYS)
CHYS 4421 .18 - Emerging Research Topics (CHYS)
CHYS 4424 .18 - Ece Documentation (CHYS)
CMPS 2245 .16/.18 - Spreadsheet Applications (CMPS)
COMM 2211 .15/.19 - Intro To Public Speaking (COMM)
COMM 3023 .18 - Communication Design (COMM)
COMM 4511 .18 - Health Comm: Theory & Practice (COMM)
CULS 2202 .18 - Music And Culture (CULS)
CULS 2203 .18 - History Of Rock And Roll (CULS)
CULS 3310 .18 - Science Fiction Film (CULS)
ECON 1102 .01/.18 - Introduction To Macroeconomics (ECON)
EDUC 5414 .01 - Creative Arts: Drama (EDUC)
ENGL 1171 .18 - Intro To Lit:Transformations (ENGL)
ENGL 2220 .18 - Writing To Influence (ENGL)
ENGL 3343 .18 - Iss In Canadian Lit & Theory (ENGL)
FREN 1102 .18 - Basic Practical French II (FREN)
FREN 2201 .20 - Practical French I (FREN)
FREN 2202 .20 - Practical Frech II (FREN)
FSGN 3305 .18 - Women And Aging (FSGN)
GCRD 6325 .01 - Read & Teach Popular Culture (GCRD)
GCRD 6330 .181 - Assessment For Learning I (GCRD)
GCRD 6332 .054 - Prog For Students Lrn Diff I (GCRD)
GCRD 6332 .055 - Prog For Students Lrn Diff I (GCRD)
GCRD 6332 .056 - Prog For Students Lrn Diff I (GCRD)
GCRD 6332 .081 - Prog For Students Lrn Diff I (GCRD)
GCRD 6335 .181 - School Culture & Incl Practices (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .01 - Restorative Practices (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .052 - Classroom Behaviour (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .053 - Classroom Behaviour (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .076 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .077 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .078 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .079 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .080 - Classroom Behaviour (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .092 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6356 .281 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .052 - Behavioral Support (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .053 - Behavioral Support (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .054 - Research For Diverse Need (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .055 - Research For Diverse Need (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .056 - Research For Diverse Need (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .076 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .077 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .078 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .079 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .080 - Behavioural Support (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .081 - Research For Diverse Need (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .092 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .180 - Behaviioral Support (GCRD)
GCRD 6357 .281 - Curr Fnd In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6358 .073 - St:Innov & Design In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6358 .074 - St:Innov & Design In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6358 .075 - St:Innov & Design In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6358 .091 - St:Innov & Design In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GCRD 6358 .292 - St:Inv And Design In Ed Tech (GCRD)
GEDU 9001 .01 - Foundations Of Educational Inquiry (GEDU)
GEDU 9002 .01 - Meth Perspect On Educ Rsrch (GEDU)
GEMS 6456 .18 - Ed Tech For Elem/Mid School (GEMS)
GEMS 6457 .18 - Curriculum Integration (GEMS)
GEPY 6605 .100 - Evaluation In The Classroom (GEPY)
GEPY 6605 .18 - Evaluation In The Classroom (GEPY)
GFDD 6521 .18 - Critical Thinking & Education (GFDD)
GLIT 6372 .01 - Read & Teach Popular Culture (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .01 - Restorative Practices (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .063 - St:In Literacy (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .064 - St:Critical Readings (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .100 - St:Indienous Lit For Class (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .160 - St:In Literacy Education (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .161 - St:In Literacy Education (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .165 - St:Literacy & Inquiry I (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .168 - St:In Literacy I (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .172 - St:Visual Literacy (GLIT)
GLIT 6756 .173 - St: Reading In Content Areas (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .063 - St:Critical Readings (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .064 - St In Literacy Education (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .160 - St:Classr Exploration In Lit (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .161 - St: In Literacy (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .165 - St: Diy Literacy (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .168 - St: In Literacy II (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .172 - St:21 Century Literacies (GLIT)
GLIT 6757 .173 - St:21 Century Literacies (GLIT)
GLIT 6758 .062 - St:Tch Childs Lit:Its Crit (GLIT)
GLIT 6758 .065 - St:Tch Childs Lit:Its Crit (GLIT)
GPRL 6310 .18 - Capstone Project Seminar (GPRL)
GSLL 6201 .01 - Hist Legacy Of Studies In Ll (GSLL)
GTSL 6368 .01 - Language And Culture (GTSL)
GTSL 6369 .02 - Technology And Language Education (GTSL)
HIST 2222 .18 - Canadian Women (HIST)
INTE 2245 .16/.18 - Spreadsheet Applications (INTE)
MATH 0027 .18 - Stats And Math Preparation (MATH)
MATH 1103 .18 - Precalculus II (MATH)
MATH 2209 ALL SECTIONS - Intro To Statistics II (MATH)
NUTR 2240 .16/.18 - Child Care Health, Nutrition & Safety (NUTR)
NUTR 4461 .18 - Food & Nutrition In Canada II (NUTR)
PBRL 2211 .15/.19 - Intro To Public Speaking (PBRL)
PBRL 4101 .18 - Employee Relations (PBRL)
PHYS 1130 .18 - Intro Astronomy II: Stars (PHYS)
POLS 3334 .18 - Globalizationn & The Nation (POLS)
PSYC 1110 .19 - Intro:Psychology As A Science (PSYC)
PSYC 1120 .19 - Intro: Psych As A Social Science (PSYC)
PSYC 2208 .18 - Social Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 2216 .18 - Sensation And Perception (PSYC)
PSYC 2222 .18 - Developmental Psychology II (PSYC)
PSYC 2265 .18 - Psychology Of Gender (PSYC)
PSYC 3315 .18 - Personality (PSYC)
PSYC 3319 .18 - Adolescent Development (PSYC)
PSYC 3332 .18 - Human Neuropsychology (PSYC)
PSYC 3334 .18 - Foundations Of School Psych (PSYC)
PSYC 4410 .18 - Childhood Psychopathology (PSYC)
RELS 2203 .18 - Love (RELS)
SOAN 1502 .01 - Questioning Society (SOAN)
SOAN 2520 .18 - Family, Marriage & Kinship (SOAN)
SOAN 3582 .01 - Law And Society (SOAN)
SPAN 1101 .18 - Spanish Language & Culture I (SPAN)
SPAN 1102 .18 - Spanish Language & Culture II (SPAN)
THMT 2202 .02 - Communication & Self Management Skills (THMT)
THMT 2221 .16/.18 - Hotel Management (THMT)
THMT 2430 .16/.18 - Media For Busi & Thmt (THMT)
THMT 3311 .21 - Small Business Management (THMT)
THMT 3401 .16/.18 - Managing In The Service Environment (THMT)
WOMS 1112 .18 - Focus On Women II (WOMS)
WOMS 2265 .18 - Psychology Of Gender (WOMS)
WOMS 3305 .18 - Women And Aging (WOMS)
WRIT 1120 .19 - The Writing Process (WRIT)
WRIT 2220 .18 - Writing To Influence (WRIT)